some of my works represent symbols.
In combination with wood, grain and form, wonderful little works of art came out.
In the course of time, however, I was asked more and more often what this or that should actually represent and so I began to inform myself.
On the following pages I have tried to put together what I have found out.
The descriptions do not claim to be 100% correct and complete! As I said: they are the result of what I have found out. If something should be fundamentally wrong, I am grateful for hints or further information.
The Pikorua (doubletwist) is a traditional Maori symbol. Its meaning is love, friendship or the union of two lives or souls.
The crossed elements symolize the ways of live, which seperate two people and bring them together again. It is also a symbol for infinity.
The ztwist with its crosswise form symbolizes the many ways of life and love and because of this it is a symbol for eternity.
The Double Twist stands for the interweaving of two spirits or souls in the sense of a strong friendship<, or in the case of two beloved and common development. The intersection in a twist shows the eternal bond between two people.
Although they move apart again, but they come back together to become one.
the tortoise is in many different cultures highly symbolic.
In the chinese culture it is one of the four legendary animals. It ist standing for a long life, constancy and immutability. In Europe the totoise is the personification of emotions. Thank of its shell it a symbol of protection and because of the old age this animals can reach, it is a symbol for a very long life.
To give a detailed explanation of the Yin Yang is very difficult. If I would explain all aspects comprehensively, the place would not be sufficient here.
The Yin Yang is a circle that is divided into two equal sub-areas, a white (Yang, movement) and a black (Yin, calm). These two areas represent the two opposite potentials in every thing.
The black area has a white dot in the white area, a black one. This shows that there is no 100% state of yin or yang. In either Yin or Yang is a little bit from the other part, in every Yang a little Yin - and the other way round. To understand the relationship between yin and yang, one must know that nothing can only be yin or yang only. Without Yin there would be no Yang and without Yang there yould be no Yin.
Yin originally meant the shady side of a hill, it's dark, earth, moon, down deep, passive, downward, soft, retreating, cold, astringent.
The original meaning of Yang the sunny side of the hill, so it is in connection to light, movement, stretching himself, sky, mountains, sun, up, hot.
When considering the Yin Yang things will always be considered as part of a whole. A single case can never be separated from the relationship with another thing. Nothing can exist only for themselves. There are no absolutes.
Yin and Yang necessarily include within itself the possibility of opposition and change.
The sea horse is also a Maori-Symbol. bei den Maori steht es symbolisch für einen treuen und loyalen Partner, der seinen Gefährten niemals verlässt.
Früher sprach man dem Seepferdchen heilende Kräfte zu und in der Antike nahm man an, es würde den Wagen der Meeresgötter Neptun und Poseidon durch das Wasser ziehen.
Im alten China galten Seepferdchen als die "kleinen Söhne" der Glücksdrachen. Auch für Fischer galt das Seepferd als Symbol für Glück.
Heute betrachtet man Seepferdchen als Symbol für Anmut, Schönheit, Friedfertigkeit und es steht für Vaterliebe.
Porowhita Der geschlossene Kreis so wird gesagt, stellt den Kreis des Lebens dar, er hat keinen Anfang und kein Ende, ist nahtlos und wir alle sind ein Teil von ihm.
Porowhita erzählt von den Sternen und Planeten, die Teil des Lebenskreislaufs sind und das Wissen unserer Herkunft enthalten. Es wird oft mit anderen Elementen verwendet wie Koru "Die Spirale (Koru)" und so verbindet es Liebe und ein neues Leben oder einen Neubeginn mit dem Kreislauf des Lebens.
Für einen Künstler stellt Porowhita "der Kreis" die Beziehung oder Einheit zwischen dem Künstler und seinem Handwerk dar, die Zusammenführung von Kopf, Hand und Herz.
Der geschlossene Kreis ist nahtlos. Er hat keinen Anfang und kein Ende. Er zeigt den Ursprung unseres Lebens. Der Kreis wird häufig dazu verwendet, um Elemente wie das Koru zu umgeben und verbindet damit die Liebe mit dem neuen Leben oder dem Neuanfang zu dem Kreis des Lebens.
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